Laboratorio ECAE
The ECAE laboratory are located in the Chemical Sciences Department, labs are equipped with, tubular furnaces, high pressure autoclave, ball milling, sonication bath and horn sonicator, BET analyser and other analytical facilities (gel permeation chromatography, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-FID, Total Organic Carbon Analyzer) for the physico-chemical characterization of electrodic materials for energy conversion and storage. Several electrochemical apparatus (potentiostat/galvanostat, bipotentiostat, rotating disk electrode, rotating ring disk electrode, electrochemical quartz microbalance, electrochemical scanning tunnelling microscopy) are available for the investigation of electrochemical properties, surface morphology/stability and the catalytic activity of materials of interest in energy conversion and storage and electrosynthesis.
- Gruppi di ricerca: Elettrocatalisi ed elettrochimica applicata (ECAE)