NEBULE-New economic, regulatory and technical drivers for a full exploitation of smart micro-grid based electrical power systems maximizing the connection of the distributed renewable resources - responsabile Prof. Roberto Turri



This research project aims to investigate in depth the potential of smart micro-grids with synergistic control of distributed energy resources (DERs) as one of the major key-drivers for the energy transition towards the European target of 50% renewable in the electricity generation by 2030. Specifically, it proposes a paradigm shift in micro-grid vision to suit low-carbon-economy targets, extending the proactive role of prosumers, and strengthening the value chain of electrical market in the low-end side. In this perspective, new interactions between suppliers and consumers will be in the core of this analysis.
The project targets four main domains of research:
- Business/Economics domain: Identify new customer-oriented services made available by technology innovations in the field of micro-grids, evaluate the socio-economic impact of prosumers’ aggregation, and design incentive mechanisms to foster their adoption.
- Power & Energy domain: Analyze the functional improvement allowed by micro-grid-based layered architecture of electrical systems and their role in an electricity market based Distribution Management System (DMS).
- Control & Communication domain: Exploit the control potential of DERs equipped with power electronics in conjunction with smart dispatching functionality implemented by a micro-grid supervisor (E-LAN).
- Physical experimental micro-grid domain: Test micro-grids feasibility, stability and cost effectiveness, by synergistic control of power electronics interfacing DERs, storage and responsive loads.
All the above tasks are functional to the main aim of the project, that is to quantify the real “value” that the services provided by DERs may have in a real network environment, providing information about the expected costs and infer on the expected participation of end-users to the network management.


ASSEGNO DI RICERCA Dott. Ruggero CarliSviluppo di algoritmi di controllo e di ottimizzazione per la gestione di E-LANs”Francesco Simmini 
ASSEGNO DI RICERCA Prof.ssa Silvia Rita SeditaNuovi modelli di business nel settore energetico: la transizione verso la sostenibilitàSilvia Blasi 
ASSEGNO DI RICERCA Prof. Roberto TurriSistema di gestione di reti elettriche di distribuzione abilitante la piena partecipazione di utenti attivi alla regolazione della rete in un’ottica di mercato elettrico localeMarco Agostini
ASSEGNO DI RICERCA Prof. Paolo MattavelliSviluppo di algoritmi di controllo per convertitori in microreti in c.c. e in c.a. e verifica con simulatori in tempo realeAram Khodamoradi 
ASSEGNO DI RICERCAProf. Roberto TurriStudio delle potenzialità offerte da possibili aggregatori di DER nella fornitura di servizi ausiliari per le reti di distribuzione nel prossimo futuroAndrea Cervi 
ASSEGNO DI RICERCA Dott. Tommaso CaldognettoSviluppo e verifica con simulatori in tempo reale di controlli coordinati per convertitori di potenza in microreti intelligentiHossein Abedini 
BORSA DI STUDIO  Dott. Tommaso CaldognettoSviluppo di controlli per sistemi di convertitori elettronici in microreti intelligentiGiovanni Sartori 
BORSA DI STUDIO  Dott. Ruggero CarliStrategie predittive per l’utilizzo di batterie in micro-retiFrancesco Simmini 
BORSA DI STUDIO Prof. Paolo MattavelliSviluppo di modelli per l'analisi delle perdite di convertitori elettronici operanti in microreti elettriche intelligentiEzio Gallo
BORSA DI STUDIO Prof. Paolo MattavelliSviluppo di tecniche di controllo per convertitori elettronici operanti in microreti elettriche intelligentiHossein Abedini 



Articoli pubblicati in atti di conferenze internazionali:
1. Enrico Mion, Tommaso Caldognetto, Francesco Simmini, Mattia Bruschetta, Ruggero Carli, "Model-Predictive Control of Electrical Energy Storage Systems for Microgrids-Integrated Smart Buildings", The Eleventh IEEE Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, USA, sept.-oct. 2019.
2. Tommaso Caldognetto, Mattia Bruschetta, Ruggero Carli, Enrico Mion, Francesco Simmini, Paolo Tenti, "A model Predictive Approach for Energy management in Smart Buildings", 21st IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, sept. 2019.
3. M. Agostini, F. Bignucolo, M. Coppo, J.M. Schwidtal, R. Turri, “Concurrent control of MV and LV networks for ancillary services provision”, in 2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED), Cagliari, 28-30 May, 2019
4. M. Agostini, F. Bignucolo, M. Coppo, J.M. Schwidtal, R. Turri, “Ancillary services provision by aggregators and impact on distribution network operation”, in 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Bucharest, 3-6 Sept., 2019
5. F. Bignucolo, A. Lorenzoni, J.M. Schwidtal, “End users aggregation: a review of key elements for future applications”, in 2019 16th European Energy Market Conference (EEM 2019), Ljubljana, 18-20 Sept., 2019
Articoli pubblicati su riviste scientifiche
6. Blasi, S., and Sedita, S.R. "The diffusion of a policy innovation in the energy sector: evidence from the collective switching case in Europe." Industry and Innovation (2019): 1-25.
7. Blasi, S. Brigato, L., and Sedita S. R. "Eco-friendliness and fashion perceptual attributes of fashion brands: an analysis of consumers’ perceptions based on Twitter data mining." Journal of Cleaner Production (2019): 118701.
8. P. Tenti and T. Caldognetto, "A General Approach to Select Location and Ratings of Energy Storage Systems in Local Area Energy Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. doi: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2932679
9. Q. Liu, T. Caldognetto and S. Buso, "Stability Analysis and Auto-Tuning of Interlinking Converters Connected to Weak Grids" in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 9435-9446, Oct. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2899191
10. S. Buso, T. Caldognetto and Q. Liu, "Analysis and Experimental Characterization of a Large-Bandwidth Triple-Loop Controller for Grid-Tied Inverters" in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1936-1949, Feb. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2835158
11. Guido Cavraro, Tommaso Caldognetto, Ruggero Carli, and Paolo Tenti, "A Master/Slave Approach to Power Flow and Overvoltage Control in Low-Voltage Microgrids" Energies 2019, 12(14), 2760;
12. M. Agostini, F. Bignucolo, M. Coppo, R. Turri, “Partecipazione della generazione distribuita nel controllo integrato delle reti MT e BT”, in L’Energia Elettrica, 2019
13. M. Coppo, F. Bignucolo, R. Turri, “Coordinated operation of Distributed Energy Storage for Ancillary Services provision”, submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
14. J.M. Schwidtal, M. Agostini, F. Bignucolo, A. Lorenzoni, “Flexibility from Distributed Energy Resources: a critical review of the innovative Italian UVAM project”, submitted for publication to Energy Policy
15. Marina Bertolini, Marco Buso, Luciano Greco, “Competition in Smart Distribution Grids”, submitted for publication to Energy Policy.
16. Agostini, M., Bertolini, M., Coppo, M., Fontini, F. The Participation of Small-scale Variable Distributed Renewable Energy Sources to the Balancing Services Market (submitted to Energy Economics: minor revisions required) Usman, M., Cervi, A., Coppo, M., Bignucolo, F., Turri, R. Optimal Dispatch of PV Inverters in Multi-Phase Low Voltage Active Distribution Networks (2020) UPEC 2020 - 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Proceedings, art. no. 9209883, DOI: 10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209883
17. Cervi, A., Coppo, M., Agostini, M., Turri, R. Optimal management of Islanded Distribution Networks including Multi-Energy Storage Units (2020) 20th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2020 - Proceedings, art. no. 9140720, pp. 464-469. DOI: 10.1109/MELECON48756.2020.9140720
18. Simmini, F., Agostini, M., Coppo, M., Caldognetto, T., Cervi, A., Lain, F., Carli, R., Turri, R., Tenti, P. Leveraging demand flexibility by exploiting prosumer response to price signals in microgrids (2020) Energies, 13 (12), art. no. en13123078 DOI: 10.3390/en13123078
19. Paladin, A., Das, R., Wang, Y., Ali, Z., Kotter, R., Putrus, G., Turri, R. 57219416596;57201776225;55733968300;56382729500;55094263200;6603885399;6603609303; Micro market based optimisation framework for decentralised management of distributed flexibility assets (2021) Renewable Energy, 163, pp. 1595-1611. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.003
20. Bignucolo, F., Pavoni, G., Turri, R., Da Ronco, P., Scala, A., Sempreboni, N. Characterization of Residential Users' Behaviour and Influence on Distribution Network Planning (2020) UPEC 2020 - 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Proceedings, art. no. 9209859, DOI: 10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209859
21. Usman, M., Cervi, A., Coppo, M., Bignucolo, F., Turri, R., Cheap Conic OPF Models for Low-Voltage Active Distribution Networks (2020) IEEE Access, 8, art. no. 9102228, pp. 99691-99708. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998054
22. Usman, M., Cervi, A., Coppo, M., Bignucolo, F., Turri, R. Bus injection relaxation based OPF in multi-phase neutral equipped distribution networks embedding wye- and delta-connected loads and generators (2020) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 114, art. no. 105394, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.105394
23. Bertolini, M., Buso, M., Greco, L. Competition in smart distribution grids (2020) Energy Policy, 145, art. no. 111729, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111729
24. Bertolini M., Blasi S., 2021. "The role of the DSOs in the energy transition towards sustainability. A case study from Italy" in "Sustainable regional development: Transforming Regional Value Creation", included in the Springer Sustainable Development Goals Series
25. Abedini, H.; Caldognetto, T.; Mattavelli, P.; Tenti, P., Real-Time Validation of Power Flow Control Method for Enhanced Operation of Microgrids, Energies 2020, 13, 5959, DOI: 10.3390/en13225959
26. Q. Liu, T. Caldognetto and S. Buso, "Review and Comparison of Grid-Tied Inverter Controllers in Microgrids," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 7624-7639, July 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2957975
27. Dalle Feste, P.; Crisci, M.; Barbon, F.; Tajoli, F; Salerno, M.; Drago, F.; Prato, M.; Gross, S.; Gatti, T.; Lamberti, F. Work Function Tuning in Hydrothermally Synthesized Vanadium-Doped Moo3and Co3O4 Mesostructures for Energy Conversion Devices. Applied Sciences 2021