About Us
The Centre for Energy Economics and Technology “Giorgio Levi Cases” is an interdepartmental Centre of the University of Padua involved in scientific and technological research about energy sources and their transformation, energy distribution and its final use.
Established in 1969 thanks to Engineer Giorgio Levi Cases’ legacy and reorganized in 2014, the Centre joins and coordinates research activities in the energy field of ten departments of the University of Padua. It is supported by private and public funds.
The objective of the Centre is promoting interdisciplinary collaboration between laboratories involved in various scientific and technological fields related to energy. It has also the purposes to organize scientific events, to establish collaborations with other similar national and international research centers, to interact with institutions and companies, and to offer training courses.
With 54 research groups including 199 faculty members, the Centre Levi Cases is ready to become a national and international reference institution on energy issues.