Affordability in energy consumption: the assessment of fuel poverty and the design of energy benefit



Responsabile: Prof.ssa Paola Valbonesi, PO, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno"

Composizione del GRE:

  • Paola Valbonesi, PO
  • Raffaele Miniaci, PA (Università di Brescia)
  • Carlo Scarpa, PO (Università di Brescia e Nera)


Aree di ricerca di afferenza:

  • Mercati energetici e regolamentazione
  • Valutazione economica delle risorse ambientali ed energetiche


The activities within this research project lead to investigate the following topics:

  1. Analysis of alternative definitions of energy poverty and measures of affordability of energy consumption.
  2. Study of the emergence of energy poverty in Italy from 1998 to 2012.
  3. Review of the public policies to support energy consumption of vulnerable consumers in the EU countries.
  4. Analysis of the design of energy benefits adopted in Italy: assessment of the appropriateness of the eligibility criteria by comparing the population targeted by the policy and the population actually facing affordability problems.

Elenco delle ultime cinque pubblicazioni:

  1. “Verso la definizione e misurazione dei concetti di affordability nei servizi elettrici”, in Riforme Elettriche e Ruolo delle Istituzioni tra obiettivi europei e servizio pubblico”, in F. Boffa, S. Clo’ and A. Clò, 2014, Bologna: Il Mulino.
  2. “Benefits to vulnerable consumers in Italian energy markets: a focus on the eligibility criterion”, currently under revision for publication in J. Strand (ed.): The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsides, The MIT Press, 2015, forthcoming, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
  3. “Energy affordability and the benefits system in Italy”, in Energy Policy, (2014), 75: 289-300, DOI:, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
  4. “Distributional effects of price reforms in the Italian utility markets”, (2008), Fiscal Studies, 29/1: 135-163, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
  5. “Measuring the affordability of basic public utility services in Italy”, (2008), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 121-67/2: 185-230, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).


Prof. Paola Valbonesi

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali – DSEA

Universita’ di Padova

Via del Santo 33, 35123 Padova, Italia