Affordability in energy consumption: the assessment of fuel poverty and the design of energy benefit
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Paola Valbonesi, PO, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno"
Composizione del GRE:
- Paola Valbonesi, PO
- Raffaele Miniaci, PA (Università di Brescia)
- Carlo Scarpa, PO (Università di Brescia e Nera)
Aree di ricerca di afferenza:
- Mercati energetici e regolamentazione
- Valutazione economica delle risorse ambientali ed energetiche
The activities within this research project lead to investigate the following topics:
- Analysis of alternative definitions of energy poverty and measures of affordability of energy consumption.
- Study of the emergence of energy poverty in Italy from 1998 to 2012.
- Review of the public policies to support energy consumption of vulnerable consumers in the EU countries.
- Analysis of the design of energy benefits adopted in Italy: assessment of the appropriateness of the eligibility criteria by comparing the population targeted by the policy and the population actually facing affordability problems.
Elenco delle ultime cinque pubblicazioni:
- “Verso la definizione e misurazione dei concetti di affordability nei servizi elettrici”, in Riforme Elettriche e Ruolo delle Istituzioni tra obiettivi europei e servizio pubblico”, in F. Boffa, S. Clo’ and A. Clò, 2014, Bologna: Il Mulino.
- “Benefits to vulnerable consumers in Italian energy markets: a focus on the eligibility criterion”, currently under revision for publication in J. Strand (ed.): The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsides, The MIT Press, 2015, forthcoming, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
- “Energy affordability and the benefits system in Italy”, in Energy Policy, (2014), 75: 289-300, DOI:, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
- “Distributional effects of price reforms in the Italian utility markets”, (2008), Fiscal Studies, 29/1: 135-163, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
- “Measuring the affordability of basic public utility services in Italy”, (2008), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 121-67/2: 185-230, (R. Miniaci, C. Scarpa, P. Valbonesi).
Prof. Paola Valbonesi
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali – DSEA
Universita’ di Padova
Via del Santo 33, 35123 Padova, Italia