Responsabile: Prof. Alberto Bertucco, PO, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Composizione del GRE:
- Alberto Bertucco, PO
- Fabrizio Bezzo, PA
- Eleonora Sforza, RTDb
Aree di ricerca di afferenza:
The research activities of the Microalgae Group of the Department of Industrial Engineering is focused on the optimization of the production process of microalgal biomass.
Several aspects are crucial to develop a sustainable process for biofuel production:
- Effect of light and operating variables on continuous cultivation of microalgae in Photobioreactors
- Optimization of sustainable nutrient and CO2 supply for industrial autotrophic cultivation
- Exploitation of microalgae for Wastewater treatment and CO2 capture
- Modelling of microalgae growth for process design and optimization
- Process simulation and techno-economic analysis of algal biomass production
Elenco delle pubblicazioni:
- Sforza E., Urbani S., Bertucco A., 2014. Evaluation of maintenance energy requirements in the cultivation of Scenedesmus obliquus: effect of light intensity and regime. Journal of Applied Phycology. In press. 1007/s10811-014-0460-x
- Gris B., Sforza E., Vecchiato L., Bertucco A., 2014. Development of a process for an efficient exploitation of CO2 captured from flue gases as liquid carbonates for Chlorella protothecoides Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53 (43), 16678–16688 . DOI: 10.1021/ie502336d
- Sforza E., Ramos Tercero E.A., Gris B., Bettin F., Milani A., Bertucco A., 2014. Integration of Chlorella protothecoides production in wastewater treatment plant: from lab measurements to process design. Algal Research. 6(B), 223–233 . DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2014.06.002
- Ferrigo D., Galla G., Sforza E., Morosinotto T., Barcaccia G., Ceschi Berrini C., 2014. Biochemical characterization and genetic identity of an oil-rich Acutodesmus obliquus Journal of Applied Phycology, In press. DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0315-5
- Bernardi A., Perin G., Sforza E., Galvanin F., Morosinotto T., Bezzo F., 2014. An identifiable state model to describe light intensity influence on microalgae growth. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53 (16), 6738–6749 , DOI: 10.1021/ie500523z
Prof. Ing. Alberto Bertucco – DII Sede M, Via Marzolo 9, PadovaTel. 049 8275457, Fax. 049 8275461, mail : alberto.bertucco@unipd.itProf. Ing. Fabrizio Bezzo – DII Sede M, Via Marzolo 9, PadovaTel. 049 8275468, Fax. 049 8275461, mail : fabrizio.bezzo@unipd.itEleonora Sforza, PhD– DII Sede M, Via Marzolo 9, Padovatel. 0498275462, mail: eleonora.sforza@unipd.itIng. Elena Barbera – DII Sede M, Via Marzolo 9, Padovatel. 0498275462, mail: Sito web PARLab ( di Coltivazione di microalghe in fotobioreattori
- Cultivation in continuous Photobioreactors. In view of an efficient industrial application, the cultivation of microalgae in a continuous system allows to achieve a stable biomass production. Productivity depends on many factors, upon which light and nutrient availability, temperature and species-related properties play a major role. The research activity at PAR-Lab investigates the effect of operating parameters (such as residence time, light intensity and regimes, temperature) on productivity, photosynthetic efficiency and biochemical composition of different algal strains, with the aim of identifying suitable conditions to maximize the efficiency of the process.
- Process simulation and techno-economic analysis. Process simulation is a very useful tool to design large-scale biodiesel production from microalgal biomass, and to evaluate the potential of microalgal technology from both the economic and energetic point of view. At PAR-Lab different process configurations as well as alternative technologies are assessed though process simulation tools in order to optimize biofuel production in terms of yield, economics and energetic performance. Models are used to scale-up process equipment and to evaluate costs, considering both CAPEX (capital costs) and OPEX (operating costs).
- Sustainable nutrient supply for microalgal cultivation. In order to make a large-scale production feasible, the nutrient supply plays a key role, concerning both carbon source and macronutrient availability. PAR-Lab research is focused on testing several methods for nutrient supply:
- Carbonis the main component of algal elemental composition. It can be delivered as CO2 from flue gas, even though the possibility of using soluble carbonate can overcome issues concerning the transportation and solubility of gaseous CO2.
- Other growth-limiting nutrients arenitrogen and phosphorus, which can be recovered using wastewater. At PAR-Lab, several types of wastewater are tested for microalgal growth, from urban wastes to leachate from landfill. The possibility to recycle nutrients from microalgal biomass is also investigated.
- Gruppi di ricerca: PARLab-microalghe@DII.